Old man winter showed up this weekend in the form of 10″ of snow accompanied by intensely cold temps. Gray skies plus snow make for a bleak weekend. I made it all better by baking a Lemon Bliss Cake , bringing some sunshine to an otherwise sunless couple of days. Lemon anything is my favorite. It ranks higher […]
Honey-Jalapeno Glazed Salmon
Spring has sprung in North Carolina and along with it temps dropping to freezing last night and predicted for tonight as well. Isn’t this just the way it works? Mother nature doing what she does. None the less we are enjoying spending time outdoors and grilling most of our meals. My local grocery had some […]
Honey Tangerine Glaze
I recently posted a recipe using a whole chicken seasoned with honey, ginger & garlic . I really like the ease of roasting the bird in its entirety. I really don’t like the part when dinner is over and there is meat to be pulled away from the carcass and bones. I guess I don’t […]
Good Bye Orange Month
Wow! How did January 31 get here so fast? I’ve had so much fun with “orange” month. I hate to see it go, but am looking forward to moving on to another foodie adventure. I hope you’ll stick with me and come along. For my last “orange” post I am going to share a recipe
Honey-Glazed Carrots
Now that I’ve declared January “orange” month I’m feeling so cheerful, even with the cold, grey, wet days our week started off with. This recipe not only showcases the healthy orange carrot but is full of flavor from freshly zested orange rind. You see I’m still captivated by my new micro-planes and looking for any […]
Honey Bees & Jalapenos
This week I acquired 2 more bee hives. My man Dan and I removed 2 hives from 2 water shut off boxes, both in the same yard, just a few feet from each other. The entire removal and set up took us about 5 hours. Luckily it was a bit cloudy and cooler on the […]