We had a chilly, damp weekend and quite a lazy, yet productive Sunday. Before we got busy sorting and purging in the attic I made Buttermilk Pancakes with Maple Bourbon Syrup. It is so delicious that I plan on making large batches of this infused syrup and storing it up for future pancake breakfasts. I […]
Black-Eyed Pea Polenta Bowl
It’s time I came clean – I have an addiction…to polenta. In particular to what I call a “Polenta Bowl”! I am laughing as I write this. Do you have a food addiction? What’s your addiction? To food specifically – I mean, this is a food blog! I have a terrible sweet tooth too, but lately, […]
Vadouvan Chicken Meatballs Win $500.00
The big game is lurking….I am super excited because the Carolina Panthers are playing in this Super Bowl. Since we moved to North Carolina a little over 2 years ago, I’ve been attempting to turn my man Dan into a Panthers fan. This year I figure he’s finally on board. He was lucky enough to be […]
Gluten Free Lemon-Ricotta Cheesecake
Since I began working at the Savory Spice Shop I’ve heard quite a bit of information from folks eating gluten-free. Some out of necessity, as they have Celiac disease, others “going Paleo” and most as a new style of eating. I have heard many times that since cutting gluten out of ones diet a myriad […]