I recently discovered that Metamucil – a popular colon cleanse had aspartame and yellow food coloring as ingredients. Several years ago when I had my first colonoscopy the doc told me, “drink a glass of Metamucil every day and you should never have any problems”. I didn’t have problems anyway but I figured if drinking […]
11 Ways To Use Delicious Honey
You can thank honey bees and their delicious honey for this post. I am about to share some simple and easy ways that you can incorporate honey into your daily life. One of the ways I like it best is to lick it right off of a spoon. Sweet and savory recipes using honey are numerous […]
Zesty Grapefruit Sugar Scrub
Here is a new one for ya’. A recipe using honey that is a hand and body scrub. With summer upon us we need to be sure and wear plenty of sunscreen but also to exfoliate. I don’t know about you, but honestly I love for my body to feel soft and smooth as a baby’s […]