Oil & Honey Edition My newest favorite salad dressing uses wild orange essential oil. You might notice a trend…with wild orange eo! It is so versatile in the kitchen I can’t help but love it! If I could only have one dressing on my salads for the rest of my life it would be this […]
Grilled Chicken & Blueberry Salad With Wild Orange Dressing
This time of year pleads for fresh, light and flavorful meals! Blueberries are popping up sweet and plump in the groceries. There isn’t a salad I like better than one with vibrant fresh fruit mixed in and these ropy-poly blueberries are the perfect addition. In just 18 days I will be attending the Food Wine […]
Peach-Hatch Salsa
If you can’t beat the heat- may as well join it! That’s just what we did last weekend when we brought home bags full of fresh hatch chiles from Central Market. We sampled so many food items with hatch chiles in them that we didn’t even need lunch that day. We brought home fresh hatch […]