I’m on a roll when it comes to learning how to make new provisions in my very own kitchen. I like the challenge, it keeps me on my toes and not slack in the kitchen. On a recent visit to my daughter’s home in California we made a sweep through the Kombucha section at her […]
The Most Effective Golden Milk Recipe
Oil & Honey Edition – Golden milk is all the rage! Apparently it is has been for quite some time but seems to be making a resurgence in the natural health world. Have you tried it yet? I decided to give it a whirl but put a new spin on the ingredients. Considering it calls for […]
Many Uses Of Beeswax – Natural Solutions
Oil & Honey Edition – I’ve got several new bee adventures to share with you in the coming weeks but today I want to share something I found regarding the many beneficial uses of beeswax. Compliments of the dreamy Dr. Axe. I often peruse his articles regarding the uses of essential oils and stumbled across this […]
Orange Cinnamon Cookies ~ Sweet Little Bites
Oil & Honey Edition Orange Cinnamon cookies are sweet and cheery little bites. Using wild orange oil and orange zest turns them from a plain little cookie to a zingy little cookie! The cinnamon oil brings warm and spicy flavors and pairs perfectly with the orange. A cookie full of flavor and elevated to deliciousness by the addition of […]
Pollen And What It Takes To Get It
OIL & HONEY EDITION Bees are interesting creatures. They live peacefully together, thousands to a home. They work together to protect the queen, raise brood, clean the hive, build comb, produce honey, forage for nectar and pollen, control the temperature inside and guard the hive. It’s a process that begins upon hatching, when the newly […]