Oil & Honey Edition ~ What is the importance of honey you may ask? Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, honey is the only food that never spoils! Pretty cool huh? Honey can help us both externally and internally. You know honey has been around for centuries. A natural healer and sweetener. I like to use it for […]
Arthritis Pain Relief
OIL & HONEY EDITION I suffer with arthritis in my fingers and wrists from time to time. Swollen joints, stiffness and pain. I’m not ready to take drugs for this, nor does my physician suggest that I do so. One of the reasons I love essential oils so much is I find immense relief from […]
I’ve Got A Remedy For Snoring
OIL & HONEY EDITION – In honor of Father’s Day Do you spend night after night tossing and turning, wearing out your elbows and pounding the pillows because you sleep next to someone who is snoring? See that meme above – that’s the truth! I know my hubby gets up earlier than I, so it […]
Allergy Bomb Smoothie
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MySmoothie #CollectiveBias My allergy bomb smoothie is a revelation for those of you suffering from seasonal allergies. This time of year I hear multitudes of people complaining about their allergies. I understand! Before I became a beekeeper and was blessed […]