Holy Moly, we felt like were having dinner in a Michelin starred restaurant when I served these scallops in lemon caper sauce. Really they were that delicious! If I can do it you can do it. Don’t hesitate to make these scallops in lemon caper sauce and impress your family and friends too! When I […]
Making Kombucha In My Own Kitchen
I’m on a roll when it comes to learning how to make new provisions in my very own kitchen. I like the challenge, it keeps me on my toes and not slack in the kitchen. On a recent visit to my daughter’s home in California we made a sweep through the Kombucha section at her […]
Homemade Egg McMuffin
One chilly weekend morning I was hungry for a breakfast sandwich – one like those found at fast food restaurants. An Egg McMuffin type sandwich to be exact. I am not a fan of fast food restaurants. In fact, I don’t “do” fast food restaurants! I couldn’t begin to tell you the last time I […]
Facts You Need To Know About Honey
OIL & HONEY EDITION Today I am sharing some honey facts with you! You may be surprised at the many benefits of honey. I’m not referring to a bottle or jar of honey you purchase in a big box store…no, no, NO! To be certain you are eating or using pure honey you should purchase […]
Chocolate Breakfast Bars
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LoveDoveFruits #CollectiveBias Chocolate for breakfast? Why, yes please! Wouldn’t you want to eat chocolate for breakfast if you could have it in this dark chocolate breakfast bar? I mean, dark chocolate, fruit, nuts, oats, it makes breakfast on the go […]
Turkey Pot Pie
We love pot pie here at The Orange bee. My homemade is our all-time favorite. It’s reminiscent of childhood Sunday evening meals, with a pot pie hot from the oven, in it’s tiny little cardboard cup with Ed Sullivan, black and white on the television set. Once I decided to make these from scratch they […]
Honey & Chile BBQ Sauce
I’ve never made BBQ sauce like this before, but I totally dig making my own sauces, dressings, rubs, mops, etc. I’d opened a can of diced tomatoes and used just a bit so I needed to use up the remainder of the can. After looking at the left over tomatoes every time I opened the refrigerator […]
Zesty Grapefruit Sugar Scrub
Here is a new one for ya’. A recipe using honey that is a hand and body scrub. With summer upon us we need to be sure and wear plenty of sunscreen but also to exfoliate. I don’t know about you, but honestly I love for my body to feel soft and smooth as a baby’s […]
What Have You Done To The Last of Summer’s Strawberries?
Back in the day, BK, (before kids) I could be found wiling away my time during the summer months preserving fruits and veggies. Such a simple procedure for such a delicious and worthy outcome. What is more wonderful than popping the sealed lid from a jar of home canned preserves, tomatoes, okra or green beans […]
Avocado-Buttermilk Dressing
If you’ve been following my blog you might have noticed that bottled salad dressing is not my favorite. I’ll take oil and vinegar over bottled dressing any day. It’s such a simple affair to whip up one’s own dressing and the rewards are terrific. Well worth the effort. This is one of those recipes I […]