You can thank honey bees and their delicious honey for this post. I am about to share some simple and easy ways that you can incorporate honey into your daily life. One of the ways I like it best is to lick it right off of a spoon. Sweet and savory recipes using honey are numerous […]
Friday Fun Facts – Bumblebee Stings
Today I was barefoot in the back yard moving around a few potted plants when I stepped on a bumblebee. I got stung on the bottom of my foot. I knew right away it was a sting! Yeeeouch! The bee was fine as she flew away after she popped me. My backyard has quite a […]
Name That Queen – A Challenge
How lucky am I, to have honey readily available for drizzling on anything – in this case leftover cornbread, for breakfast? I know you want some too – who wouldn’t? Having an abundance of honey to use daily is one reason I am a bee keeper. If my meals don’t call for honey I simply […]