My recent trip to northern Italy left me with so many wonderful memories. Day Trippin’ Italy Part 2 is the follow up to Day Trippin’ Italy Part 1 where I wrote about day trips to Sirmione on Lake Garda and the sweet town of Bergamo. Today I ‘m recounting trips to Lake Como and Verona. The […]
Day Trippin’ Italy, Part 1
Day Trippin’ in Italy was one of my favorite ways to visit some of the smaller cities near Milan. I thoroughly enjoyed Milan and would definitely stay there again as a home base. There are numerous small cities, towns and lakes a little over an hour by train from Milano Centrale. Day trippin’ in different […]
Spaghetti al Limone
I recently returned, March 9, from a fabulous trip to Italy. I was fortunate to depart as Italy went into strict lock down due to COVID 19. Or was I? There are days when it feels safer to be home but there are days when I wish I would have been “stuck” in Italy. […]
Venice The City Of Love
Venice The City of Love, yes I fell in love. My recent trip to Italy included many firsts, but my visit to Venice was not a first. Did I fall in love, yes I did all over again. Arriving by train at St. Lucia station we quickly found our way to the vaporetto station down […]
Doors of Milan, Italy
The Doors of Milan, Italy are as interesting and beautiful as any I’ve seen in my travels. In fact I shot so many photos I’ll never be able to share them all with you, so I will choose the ones I find most captivating. The ones that truly cause me to stop in my tracks, […]
Traveling In Italy During The COVID19 Outbreak
Crazy times – traveling in Italy during the COVID19 outbreak. Little did I know when I posted about traveling to Italy that the adventure would be as full of craziness as it was. My BFF and I arrived in the beautiful city of Milan on Saturday the 22 of February. On Sunday the 23rd COVID19 […]
Italy – A Much Needed Break
I have had more fun revisiting my trip to Cuba and sharing with you. Looking at all the photos of this beautiful country have me longing to go back and explore more. But…..I will be taking a break as I travel to Italy with my longest time friend. We have been planning since October and […]
Feeling The Pull Of Wanderlust
The first full day of spring brought snow to N.C. and wanderlust to me – not sure why. Do you ever get the itch? You know, to pack a bag and hit the road – an escape – if you will! An adventure, a respite, maybe an interlude! Considering I won’t be able to take […]
Pasta Carbonara dall’ Italia
Pasta Carbonara ~ it’s like having eggs and bacon for dinner in a most delicious way! I’d even go so far as to call it “comfort food”! We all know bacon makes everything better and this dish has just enough to lift the flavor and not be too unhealthy! Moving from winter into spring we […]