I “almost” had a bad day in the kitchen today. I say “almost”, everything turned out alright after-all. That’s because I was able to make a substitution for an ingredient I discovered I was out of! Normally I would grab my car keys and run to the closest grocery store and get whatever I don’t […]
Kitchen Remodel Complete
Kitchen Remodel Complete – I say this with a giant smile across my face! Have you ever done a total kitchen remodel? This is my second time to gut a kitchen and start from scratch. The first time was in our country home in Texas. I loved that kitchen but wanted a new look for […]
Yikes! Offline for How Long?
Holy smoke – I am completely unnerved by this news but my man Dan informed me last night that I will be without internet service for several days after we move this weekend. That means once I unplug Saturday morning I won’t be able to do much, if any blog work. The good news is […]
Kitchen Remodel Trendy or Classy?
A few months back my man Dan and I purchased a home. We’ve been renting for the last couple of years until we were certain North Carolina would be our home for the long haul. When we decided we would stay we began the “house hunt”. I admit we’ve also spent waaaaay too many hours watching “HGTV” and […]