I’m outta here! Temporarily, that is. I will be heading out-of-town later this week with a bunch of girlfriends to have girl time and fun times down at the river. The Guadalupe River in Texas is a wonderful place to unwind, relax, chill out, call it what you like.
A Cookie To Share
I am not one to share my food, especially if it is sweet. Well, truthfully I don’t like to share my food ever! Not sure why. You know when you go to a restaurant and everyone orders differently, offering others a taste of what they ordered?
Screaming For Ice-Cream
This week school begins and I am the proud mama of a senior! I think she already has a touch of senioritis – is there a remedy for that? Yep! Miss T’s last year of high school and I am vastly aware of how fast it will pass. We don’t see much of her anyway […]
Easter Bees
Yesterday started off as any other Easter sunday, drinking coffee and getting dressed up for church. I’m a little sad to say that there are no excited kiddos bouncing out of bed like bunnies, ready to hunt for eggs at home anymore. The odd thing about egg hunts is the kids don’t give a flip […]
For The Love of Lemon
Welcome my friends! My apologies for having been gone so many days. This past week did not allow time for me to join you here, at The Orange Bee. My absence has been at the forefront of my thoughts everyday. I am happy to return and share with you an ideal recipe for this warm, […]
Sweet Spring
Spring is near and it feels like it today. Warm, sunny, clear, slight breeze and nearing the end of spring break. It has been an interesting week at The Orange Bee between bee adventures, the college search, March madness taking over every television we own and seeking to enjoy spring and the absence of our […]
Lemon Cream- Sounds Like Spring
If you haven’t noticed by now I have spring on the brain. I will tell you I love winter. I really like coats, mittens, furry boots, and toasting my tootsies by the fire. I like swirling warm, amber cognac in a snifter and sipping it by the fire. I love to ski down wide, snowy […]