I recently discovered that Metamucil – a popular colon cleanse had aspartame and yellow food coloring as ingredients. Several years ago when I had my first colonoscopy the doc told me, “drink a glass of Metamucil every day and you should never have any problems”. I didn’t have problems anyway but I figured if drinking […]
Smashing Summer Wine Spritzer @CK Mondavi Wines
If you follow me you’ve likely determined that I am a wine drinker! White during the warm summer months and reds in front of the fire in the fall and winter. Lately the temps have been a bit toasty here in North Carolina so I keep a chilled bottle of white handy for the cocktail […]
Avocado-Buttermilk Dressing
If you’ve been following my blog you might have noticed that bottled salad dressing is not my favorite. I’ll take oil and vinegar over bottled dressing any day. It’s such a simple affair to whip up one’s own dressing and the rewards are terrific. Well worth the effort. This is one of those recipes I […]