The first full day of spring brought snow to N.C. and wanderlust to me – not sure why. Do you ever get the itch? You know, to pack a bag and hit the road – an escape – if you will! An adventure, a respite, maybe an interlude! Considering I won’t be able to take […]
Eating Lobster In Maine & Other Deliciousness
Lobster – I love it anytime, but there is something about digging into that sweet, succulent meat while visiting Maine! It could be the fragrance of the salt air, the cool temps in July or the daily ritual of observing the many lobster boats fishing the coastlines that make the occasion feel more special. Steamed […]
Time To Travel – Seeing The Shore
Summer is upon us and this means – time to travel. I love being at home but I also relish my travels. It’s a balancing act! We are leaving the heat and humidity behind and heading north to the granite state, Maine. Rugged coastlines, lobstah and fried clams await our presence. Haha – I just realized […]