You can thank honey bees and their delicious honey for this post. I am about to share some simple and easy ways that you can incorporate honey into your daily life. One of the ways I like it best is to lick it right off of a spoon. Sweet and savory recipes using honey are numerous […]
Special Oatmeal Cookies
After writing my post about steel cut oats I couldn’t stop thinking about oatmeal cookies. Do you ever have one of those cravings that just will not go away? I didn’t want another type of cookie, no chocolate chip, no shortbread, no brownies either. I was totally and completely craving special oatmeal cookies! So guess […]
Steel Cut Oats Pancakes
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Quaker. All opinions are mine alone. #MyOatsCreation #CollectiveBias Steel Cut Oats are not as well known as regular Quaker Oatmeal or even quick cook Oatmeal. The first time I tasted Steel Cut Oats was back in the 70’s while staying with a friend in L.A. She had discovered […]
Oatmeal, Pear & Date Cookies
I was in the mood for something sweet yet a bit healthy. Hmmm…oatmeal cookies seemed like a good place to start. Once I decided on oatmeal it was a matter of what else to put in them. No plump golden raisins in the pantry but what I did find were sticky sweet dates. I love […]
I’m Running Away From Home
Only joking! But if I were, I’d tie some of these Monster Cookies up in a red bandana and throw them in my knapsack. These cookies could stand in for a meal! Filling, full of fiber – oatmeal, nuts – macadamias and of course some chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips. They also include natural peanut […]
One Batch Of Cookies
Ahhhh, tis’ the season – for baking cookies. Have you ever hosted a “cookie exchange”? Every year I consider hosting one but I’ve never followed through with it. And to remain status quo, I’m not hosting one this year either. I attended a couple of cookie exchanges in the past and always loved sampling everyone’s […]
Butter Fricky
I had never heard the phrase “butter fricky” until last Thursday – have you ever heard it? Last week in my pre-school class we baked biscuits and made honey-butter. I baked the biscuits, Pillsbury frozen ones, which I happen to think are pretty darn tasty, while the kids were in library time. After they returned […]
Earthy Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
Comfort cookies…again! These cookies border on healthy – not what usually comes out of my oven. I was in the mood for oatmeal cookies but was craving chocolate and cranberries. Don’t ask me why, because I haven’t an answer. After mulling this over for a few hours I decided to throw them all together […]