After writing my post about steel cut oats I couldn’t stop thinking about oatmeal cookies. Do you ever have one of those cravings that just will not go away? I didn’t want another type of cookie, no chocolate chip, no shortbread, no brownies either. I was totally and completely craving special oatmeal cookies! So guess […]
Friday Fun Facts – You Can Help
Whole Foods Campaign I shop at a local Whole Foods because: 1. It’s convenient 2. I can buy organic 3. I can find local NC or SC produce 4. Signage tells me where my food comes from 5. They carry non GMO corn on the cob ( it is sweet and delicious – I’m […]
Pacific Beach Peanut Butter
I am excited to be bringing you this review on Pacific Beach Peanut Butter. A few weeks ago I received an email from the folks at PB-PB inquiring if I would be interested in trying their organic peanut butter and writing a blog post about it. In exchange for a review they would send me […]
Setting Goals & Eating Carrots
In spin class at the gym on Monday the instructor challenged each of us to set a goal for the week and when she sees us again next Monday we’ll see who achieved their personal goal. The two things I recognize about this challenge, 1-it gave each of us an opportunity to improve on a […]