One of the first things I always think about on a beach trip is getting my toes in the sand and listening to the calming sound of the ocean waves rolling in. On my recent travels to Maui I spent quite a bit of time beachin’ and bakin’! Turned out to be great combination of […]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies From The Cook’s Illustrated Baking Book
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are the bomb! I love a peanut butter cookie with some softness and crunch – you? I feel a little silly that I never knew exactly how when I bought a pb cookie from a bakery they had crunch and were soft and chewy at the same time. Duh! I […]
11 Ways To Use Delicious Honey
You can thank honey bees and their delicious honey for this post. I am about to share some simple and easy ways that you can incorporate honey into your daily life. One of the ways I like it best is to lick it right off of a spoon. Sweet and savory recipes using honey are numerous […]
Pollen And What It Takes To Get It
OIL & HONEY EDITION Bees are interesting creatures. They live peacefully together, thousands to a home. They work together to protect the queen, raise brood, clean the hive, build comb, produce honey, forage for nectar and pollen, control the temperature inside and guard the hive. It’s a process that begins upon hatching, when the newly […]
Allergy Bomb Smoothie
My allergy bomb smoothie is a revelation for those of you suffering from seasonal allergies. I am sharing again because allergy season is still here! This time of year I hear multitudes of people complaining about their allergies. I understand! Before I became a beekeeper and was blessed with an ample supply of local honey, […]
Hungry and Scared
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias When I get hungry I can be so cranky, weak, tired and often times I just want to go to sleep because I have no energy to take the next step or say the next word! […]
Recipe Round-Up – Our Growing Edge
I am honored to host the November 2014 edition of Our Growing Edge-a monthly blogging event that brings bloggers worldwide together to share their recipes. You know what the best part of this is? I’ll be sharing them with you! Get excited…..get VERY excited! Let’s get started with Andre The Baker. She is 19, a baker, […]
In My Kitchen
Well 2013 is flying past me – I must have blinked one too many times. I enjoy participating in Cecilia’s “In My Kitchen” posts at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial. Somehow I let February, and March slip through my buttered fingers and here we are way into April. Before it’s too late I wanted to […]
Pacific Beach Peanut Butter
I am excited to be bringing you this review on Pacific Beach Peanut Butter. A few weeks ago I received an email from the folks at PB-PB inquiring if I would be interested in trying their organic peanut butter and writing a blog post about it. In exchange for a review they would send me […]
I’m Running Away From Home
Only joking! But if I were, I’d tie some of these Monster Cookies up in a red bandana and throw them in my knapsack. These cookies could stand in for a meal! Filling, full of fiber – oatmeal, nuts – macadamias and of course some chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips. They also include natural peanut […]