I’m getting a kick out of reading the recipes in my old cook books. I admit it’s a bit of a challenge to find ones that I want to make and know we will enjoy eating. The book I used today is The Lily Wallace New American Cook Book. Lily Haxworth Wallace is listed as […]
I Hate Chiggers
Well, I’m just going to start by saying a weekend away does wonders for the soul, relaxes the body, strengthens the bonds, and allows time for reflection. My weekend away with the girls was marvelous. What a superb and interesting group of women I spent my weekend with.
Peach-Hatch Salsa
If you can’t beat the heat- may as well join it! That’s just what we did last weekend when we brought home bags full of fresh hatch chiles from Central Market. We sampled so many food items with hatch chiles in them that we didn’t even need lunch that day. We brought home fresh hatch […]
Lucky #5 A Chili Cook-Off
If you’ve been following my blog you might remember I mentioned I would be competing in the Central Market Chili & Cornbread Cook-Off yesterday afternoon. My competition was not something to be sneezed at. Oh no-o-o they were not. It was clear that much thought and preparation went into each pot of chili and pan […]