Blueberries are everywhere and blueberry pie is on my kitchen counter! When I found these tiny blueberries I knew I needed to scoop them up and get busy baking a blueberry pie for the weekend. Blueberries are not always small, often we find big, plump berries when shopping for summer fruits. In Maine they say […]
Pie For Your Christmas Table
This is such a busy time of year for all of us. I barely have the bandwidth to spend time at my desk blogging because I’d rather be baking pies! Today I’m sharing recipes for a “variety of pies” for your Christmas table. In The Orange Bee kitchen there will definitely be a Bourbon Pecan […]
Bourbon Pecan Pie
“Bourbon Pecan Pie“, ’nuff said! It seems pecans are a favorite holiday nut. I know around The Orange Bee we like them in many ways, spiced, sugared, toasted, in cookies, cakes, breads and especially in this pie. My man Dan wouldn’t consider it a holiday without a Bourbon Pecan Pie. It’s the subtle whiff and […]
Apple Pie Amsterdam – Round Two – Did I Nail It?
Well, do you think I nailed round two of Apple Pie Amsterdam? Hopefully my guests…read…guinea pigs from the second go round will weigh in and answer that for you! Personally I felt good about the outcome. Making the few changes I mentioned in my first post – read it here – made a big difference in […]
Sweet Potato Pie with Marshmallow Meringue
Sweet potato pie simply means ” It’s Fall Y’all”. I am overjoyed that I made this pie with the marshmallow crème meringue as it is the most delicious use of sweet potatoes imaginable. I know, I know it’s just a pie but until you bake one and taste it you can’t conceive the luscious combination of sweet […]
Peach Pie With A Crumble Crust
I’ve been in the mood to bake – a PIE! When I discovered that we had a new spice at the shop where I put in a few hours a month, it gave me just the idea I needed to grab a mood fix! It’s called Georgia Peach Spice and the ingredients are Vanilla Bean Sugar, cinnamon, […]
Zesty Lime Pie
Before Pi Day is over I am sharing an old post with one of my favorite pies. Just could’t bear to miss out on this unique day. Also there is an interesting story about bees. It’s just about that time of year when we will see honey bees buzzing about and pollinating all our favorite […]
Rustic Apple Crisp
They tell me these weather conditions are not normal for North Carolina. Snow, snow, snow and many freezing cold days. Yesterday we got 7″ in about 6 hours. I don’t mind the snowy, frigid temps and seeing my world blanketed in white. I’ve always wanted to live where the winters warranted wearing a coat. Before […]
A Bunch Of Hullabaloo
All the fuss was about Hullabaloo Diner! In my last post I shared with you that my man Dan and I would be moving Miss T to college. She’s all settled in now, a full-fledged college student. Making friends, attending classes, checking out the boys, doing homework, finding her way to the rec center regularly, […]
I Don’t Like Pie
Or so says Miss T! It’s a true statement, the kid won’t eat a slice of pie but she likes to make and bake pies. When she was around eleven years old I signed her up for a pie making class at Central Market around the Christmas holidays.