In mid-July I traveled to New York City for the BlogHer15 conference. The conference schedule is non-stop but I found that I had a few free hours midweek to explore the city. Having lived in NYC for a couple of years, back in the day, I wasn’t interested in merely pounding the pavement and hitting all […]
What Have You Done To The Last of Summer’s Strawberries?
Back in the day, BK, (before kids) I could be found wiling away my time during the summer months preserving fruits and veggies. Such a simple procedure for such a delicious and worthy outcome. What is more wonderful than popping the sealed lid from a jar of home canned preserves, tomatoes, okra or green beans […]
A Jewel Of A Pie
I hate to do this, but I’m going to have to give credit where credit is due. I owe it all to Oprah. In one of her more recent “O” magazines she dedicates a few pages to pies. They all look delicious but the ones that caught my eye were these cute little hand pies. […]