I am a sweets lover. Pudding is one of the most uncomplicated and delicious sweets I can enjoy without feeling too guilty. Chocolate pudding also happens to be one of my man, Dan’s favorite desserts. You may have read in a previous post that I will be attending the Food Wine Conference in Orlando in a […]
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
Oh man – I am so excited about this pudding recipe. Not only is it rich and creamy but it’s made in the blender and then chilled! Super easy with a decadent chocolate flavor. At the spice shop where I log in a few hours a week we sell a type of cocoa called Black […]
Lily Wallace Corn Pudding
I’m getting a kick out of reading the recipes in my old cook books. I admit it’s a bit of a challenge to find ones that I want to make and know we will enjoy eating. The book I used today is The Lily Wallace New American Cook Book. Lily Haxworth Wallace is listed as […]
Sleepless in Chocolate
I slept like a baby last night. This is because on Monday I made a batch of “bittersweet chocolate pudding”. Are you wondering how sleeping like a baby and making pudding are associated? I’ll get to that in a minute. It all started when I was checking to see what was in the pantry and […]