![Tomato Tart](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_2812-scaled.jpeg)
![venice city of love](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_1495-scaled.jpeg)
Poke Tacos Monkeypod
![Poke Tacos Monkeypod](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Tuna-Tacos.jpeg)
Tomato Tart - Jose Andres
![Tomato Tart - Jose Andres](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_2812-scaled.jpeg)
LuLu Dog treats
![LuLu Dog treats](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LuLu-Dog-treats.jpg)
Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas
![Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/IMG_5822.jpeg)
Cafe Cubano
![Cafe Cubano](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG_6025-scaled.jpeg)
Riva @ Gritti Palace
![Riva @ Gritti Palace](http://www.theorangebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_1495-scaled.jpeg)
Happy New Year to you and Happy Anniversary to The Orange Bee! The folks at word press made it pretty simple for me to summarize my first year of blogging, statistically speaking, that is. It seems that my post titled “Cheese Please” received more hits than any other. Here is the link incase you missed […]
I find myself once again honored by a fellow blogger with the Liebster Award. Thank you to Ashkitty at http://globetrottingforfood.wordpress.com/ for the gift. Liebster is German and means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favourite’ and the idea of the Liebster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers. The Rules […]
I recently posted a cookie recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies https://theorangebee.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/one-batch-of-cookies/#more-2356 and talked about how I wanted to bake more cookies for the Christmas season. I did it! I had an ulterior motive for baking cookies, not that we don’t like to eat cookies around here, I needed a gift for a Chinese gift exchange, not […]
One of the nice perks of blogging is that every so often awards are handed out from fellow bloggers. Right before the craziness of Thanksgiving two fellow bloggers bestowed the honor upon me. Now before I’m completely engulfed in the Christmas frenzy I wanted to pass on the awards and say thanks. Oh, by the […]
I couldn’t be happier right this minute as I’ve missed blogging for nearly two weeks now. Thank you to all my faithful followers and newcomers for sticking with me. Between the Thanksgiving holiday, a house full of company, adoring hubby’s 60th birthday, and missing shot glasses I couldn’t find a moment to write. I hope that […]
This morning I noticed the first Dark-Eyed Junco foraging for food under one of my feeders. Later in the day, I noticed not only a Yellow Rumped Warbler hopping about in the red oak, but also an Orange Crowned Warbler flitting around in the crape myrtle and Purple Finches at the feeders. Wow – stellar […]