COVID19 is here NOW! This is a critical time for our local businesses. If you know me you now my focus is food. The food service industry not only in downtown GSO but all over our community is and will continue to suffer until we are all cleared to go back to normal. Please consider […]
Havana, Rum and Cigars
Havana, rum and cigars! I am having so much fun reliving the trip I took to Cuba in summer of 2019. Revisiting Havana and my photos from my 1000’s of shots makes me want to go back sooner rather than later. I’ve been sharing stories about my adventures in Cuba, starting with this post about […]
Focusing On Modern Flavors Meet The Chefs Of Machete
Meet the chefs of Machete. Have you heard of Machete in Greensboro? Currently Machete is a supper club hosting monthly dinners, focusing on modern flavors and techniques. The concepts that Machete is working with unreservedly tie them into Community Table 2019 with our Modern-Southern focus. Pop-up restaurants and underground dinner parties are trending in the […]
Chef Chris Blackburn Joins Community Table 2019
Joining the crew of local chefs for Community Table isn’t new for Chef Chris Blackburn. Last year his smoked lamb tamale was an exceptional addition to the multi-course dinner. Chris can be found cheffing currently at not one but two restaurants, both new to him. Steak Street, an award winning restaurant in High Point and […]
My First Trip To Cuba and Why I Fell In Love
I recently returned from my first trip to Cuba. I’ll start by saying, “I fell in love with Cuba”. I’ve been home for one month now and all I can think about is how I want to go back. Not only do I want to explore more of the places we visited but I want […]
Announcing The 2019 Community Table Executive Chef
Voted #1 Chef in Guilford County under 30 this year! That’s right, our head chef for this years Community Table is our youngest ever. Suffice it to say Anders Benton, executive chef at GIA DrinkEatListen is under 30 – a youngster by any standard. Benton was also honored with second place in the “Best Chef” […]
The Best Girls Weekend Guide To Charleston ~ A Good Time Guaranteed
I recently returned from the “Best” girls weekend in Charleston, South Carolina and you need to know how we made it so amazing! This trip was planned about 6 months ahead of time to celebrate my, ummm, hummm, birthday! Suffice it to say it was a “big” birthday. Long before the big day I knew […]
Meet The Chefs ~ 2018 Community Table
Only 18 days until you can meet the chefs at the Community Table fundraiser. Dinner, cocktails, cold brews, live music, you can have it all on Sunday, September 30, beginning at 4:30 in the afternoon. Benefiting Triad Local First, a non-profit membership organization based right here in Greensboro, North Carolina, with over 360 members – retail […]
5 Restaurants You Shouldn’t Miss When Visiting Quebec City and Montreal
The 5 restaurants you shouldn’t miss when visiting Quebec City and Montreal may or may not be ones you’ve heard of. I am a foodie and aren’t we all to some degree? My goal is to always eat the best food. One thing that is certain, in the time we spent in both cities there […]
A Revelation From Our Trip To Canada
We recently returned home from our Canadian vacation and I brought home a revelation as my souvenir. Traveling is critical to my happiness and on this trip I realized how I am awarded this happiness. When you travel are there certain events that make or break how you rate your trip? I need to tell […]