The first full day of spring brought snow to N.C. and wanderlust to me – not sure why. Do you ever get the itch? You know, to pack a bag and hit the road – an escape – if you will! An adventure, a respite, maybe an interlude! Considering I won’t be able to take […]
Keever Vineyards – Wine Tasting
Keever Vineyards wine tasting came after a disappointing visit to Frog’s Leap Vineyards. I was dismayed, as were we all at their lack of preparedness and attention that I won’t be writing about that tasting. If you would like to read a brief account of Frog’s Leap click here to read what Wine Wrangling Woman had to say […]
Barnett Vineyards-Wine Tasting Day 2
“Tour de California” continued on Saturday morning with our Texas friends and our daughter LuLu and son-in-law Money. Wine tasting is addictive and delightful and most enjoyable with friends and family! The morning started out clear and crisp. LuLu and Money made their way up to the top of Sonoma mountain to meet us at our abode. […]
Wine Tasting with Robert Kamen – Kamen Estate Wines
Have you ever had one of “those” experiences that you know you will never forget? An occurrence that isn’t planned or even thought of. For me it’s the “sweet spot” of life. Drinking wine with American screenwriter Robert Kamen at his vineyard on our “Tour de California”, was unequivocally the highlight of our tour! Totally unplanned, unforeseen […]
Hanzell Vineyards – Wine Tasting
The second wine tasting on our “Tour de California”, on this warm June day, brought us to Hanzell Vineyard. The wine cellar, 34 feet underground was a welcome respite from the rising temps in Sonoma. The cellar remains at a constant temperature of 57*F, the perfect temperature for barrel aging. We took a moment to stop and enjoy the […]
Laurel Glen Vineyard Tour
This summer my man Dan and I traveled to Northern California, Napa and Sonoma, specifically, for our vacation. I am on the verge of writing a series of posts with regard to our trip. I want to share the stories from the vineyards we visited as well as relate the delicious wines we enjoyed. We primarily stayed away […]
Sonoma Wine Tour
Recently my man Dan and I traveled to California for many reasons. The #1 reason was to visit our daughter and son-in-law in Napa. Another reason we made this plan is; a few months back while dining with some great friends in Texas we were exchanging vacation ideas and talked about a trip to northern California. Our […]