Strawberry season isn’t over in North Carolina, yet. It is nearing the end quickly, sadly. Strawberry season lasts for a short period of time and I love to go to the farms and gather or buy already picked fresh berries. The deal is, once you get them home they don’t last long. A couple of […]
Strawberry & Jalapeno Crostini The Perfect Summer Appetizer
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SpreadTheHeat #CollectiveBias It’s no secret I am crazy about honey….mix it with succulent, juicy strawberries and I’m pretty much in heaven. When I swung by Walmart to pick up paper goods recently I noticed this new Smucker’s Fruit & Honey […]
Chocolate Breakfast Bars
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LoveDoveFruits #CollectiveBias Chocolate for breakfast? Why, yes please! Wouldn’t you want to eat chocolate for breakfast if you could have it in this dark chocolate breakfast bar? I mean, dark chocolate, fruit, nuts, oats, it makes breakfast on the go […]
Berry & Honey Breakfast
Having just returned from the BlogHerFood’14 conference in Miami Beach and having eaten way more food than any one person should in a few short days I’m trying to get back to the norm. This is not a recipe per-se but a concoction that I eat often for breakfast, lunch or a mid-day snack.
Summer Fruits For You
When I learned that my favorite peach orchard would be closed until next summer as of this weekend, I knew I’d better take a drive and stock up on fresh peaches. Ham’s Orchard in Terrell, Texas offers up fresh picked peaches all summer long but alas peach season is almost over. I’ve watched Ham’s go […]
I Hate Chiggers
Well, I’m just going to start by saying a weekend away does wonders for the soul, relaxes the body, strengthens the bonds, and allows time for reflection. My weekend away with the girls was marvelous. What a superb and interesting group of women I spent my weekend with.
Honey Fruit Dip
Staring at all this fresh, pure, local, and I do mean local, amber-colored, delectable honey sitting on my dining table for the last week inspired me to find a recipe that uses honey. I wanted something simple so I decided on a “dip”. I also found myself with fresh strawberries, blueberries, melons, cherries and some […]
Strawberry Ugly Cake
First of all, let me say I am so happy sitting at my desk writing a blog post! Do you ever have those weeks where life just takes over and you have no choice but to put aside the things you love for the things you must? Last week turned into that kind of week for […]
Frosty Berry-Pomegranate Smoothie
I woke up this morning to a grey, gloomy, chilly January day. This will not ruin my day. I had a few cups of – you guessed it – coffee. Deadman’s Reach Raven Brew to be exact. The back of the bag of Deadman’s Reach claims that it will “inspire great ideas and noble emotions” […]