I know for certain that spring is here when I get a phone call about a swarm of honey bees! You may recall I am the “official” beekeeper at the Greensboro Science Center, where I take care of two hives. I’ve not had much opportunity to recover a swarm since moving to N.C., but this […]
Queen Bees Continued
A few weeks ago I shared a post telling about the mysteries going on in the hive I call Queen Charlotte at the Greensboro Science Center. The hive was weak, few bees, no brood, and no sign of a queen bee. If you read the previous post you’ll recall there were multiple queen cells and before […]
A Bee Story
It’s become obvious to me that my blog posts are few and far between. My apologies! In my last post I promised a story about my latest bee adventure. Here it is and this is why Mr.F always reminds me, “bee keeping is nothing but problem solving”. Back in mid-May my man Dan and I […]