When visiting Maui in January of this year this is the scene I was was first met with. A peaceful paradise right before my eyes. I was welcomed to the island by the gentle sound of ocean waves lapping the rocks on this strand of beach. Sea turtles entertained me as they popped their heads […]
Green Apple Salsa
This is only my second “Green” post and I am having so much fun choosing foods and recipes to share with you, my readers. The produce section has taken on a whole new appeal, so many green choices to work with! Let’s talk about bees and how important they are to the production of food. […]
Fair Food
“Howdy folks, and welcome to the great state fair of Texas”, spoken by none other than Big Tex, the oversized icon with his commanding presence, booming voice and 10 gallon hat. His voice resounds over the grounds of the “State Fair of Texas” for three full weeks in late September and early October every year, […]
Shrimp Tacos with Watermelon & Jicima Salsa
After chowing down on those ribs I told you about earlier this week I was really in the mood for a lighter meal. My mom brought me a recipe for shrimp tacos she’d found while perusing the newspaper. She knows how much I love shrimp and thought I would enjoy the recipe. After I read […]