When visiting Maui in January of this year this is the scene I was was first met with. A peaceful paradise right before my eyes. I was welcomed to the island by the gentle sound of ocean waves lapping the rocks on this strand of beach. Sea turtles entertained me as they popped their heads […]
Spaghetti al Limone
I recently returned, March 9, from a fabulous trip to Italy. I was fortunate to depart as Italy went into strict lock down due to COVID 19. Or was I? There are days when it feels safer to be home but there are days when I wish I would have been “stuck” in Italy. […]
Alexis Alvarez Armas – #1 Chef of Cuba
Meet the “#1 Chef of Cuba”, Alexis Alvarez Armas. Triple AAA – I wonder if his lovely mother chose his name with that in mind? I’ll begin by telling you how I found Alexis. Then I’ll share my experience at his home as he prepared an 18 dish dinner for that blew my socks off. […]
Cuba Part 2 and Why I Fell In Love
Cuba part 2 is a continuation of our first few days in Havana this summer. I fell in love with Cuba – it is hard to describe why or how it happened. My first and main reason – the people – the Cubans. As I mentioned in “My First Trip To Cuba and Why I […]
Why You Should Visit Gent, Belgium
I’ve visited Belgium before. Brussels only and many years ago. I remember it being a clean city with countless red brick buildings. Can you tell it was a long, long time ago? After doing my research on visiting Belgium I quickly narrowed down our choices to Brugge or Gent aka Ghent. I’m sure we would’ve […]
Eating Lobster In Maine & Other Deliciousness
Lobster – I love it anytime, but there is something about digging into that sweet, succulent meat while visiting Maine! It could be the fragrance of the salt air, the cool temps in July or the daily ritual of observing the many lobster boats fishing the coastlines that make the occasion feel more special. Steamed […]
Sonoma Wine Tour
Recently my man Dan and I traveled to California for many reasons. The #1 reason was to visit our daughter and son-in-law in Napa. Another reason we made this plan is; a few months back while dining with some great friends in Texas we were exchanging vacation ideas and talked about a trip to northern California. Our […]
Same Song Second Verse
Last summer I posted a story about the Mt. Gainor Inn, a B&B in Dripping Springs, Texas. You can read it here: If you have not yet visited I strongly encourage you to do so. With fall upon us the Texas hill country is a beautiful, peaceful place to kick back and unwind for a couple […]