The Doors of Milan, Italy are as interesting and beautiful as any I’ve seen in my travels. In fact I shot so many photos I’ll never be able to share them all with you, so I will choose the ones I find most captivating. The ones that truly cause me to stop in my tracks, […]
My First Trip To Cuba and Why I Fell In Love
I recently returned from my first trip to Cuba. I’ll start by saying, “I fell in love with Cuba”. I’ve been home for one month now and all I can think about is how I want to go back. Not only do I want to explore more of the places we visited but I want […]
The Best Girls Weekend Guide To Charleston ~ A Good Time Guaranteed
I recently returned from the “Best” girls weekend in Charleston, South Carolina and you need to know how we made it so amazing! This trip was planned about 6 months ahead of time to celebrate my, ummm, hummm, birthday! Suffice it to say it was a “big” birthday. Long before the big day I knew […]
A Revelation From Our Trip To Canada
We recently returned home from our Canadian vacation and I brought home a revelation as my souvenir. Traveling is critical to my happiness and on this trip I realized how I am awarded this happiness. When you travel are there certain events that make or break how you rate your trip? I need to tell […]
Wine Tasting At Elizabeth Spencer
At the urging of the Wine Wrangling Woman’s daughter, our next stop brought us to the Elizabeth Spencer tasting room. Housed in an adorable cottage style, red brick building in Rutherford, Elizabeth Pressler and Spencer Graham began making wine together in 1997. Prior to selling wines together, which they began executing in 2000, both Elizabeth and Spencer enjoyed […]
Barnett Vineyards-Wine Tasting Day 2
“Tour de California” continued on Saturday morning with our Texas friends and our daughter LuLu and son-in-law Money. Wine tasting is addictive and delightful and most enjoyable with friends and family! The morning started out clear and crisp. LuLu and Money made their way up to the top of Sonoma mountain to meet us at our abode. […]
NYC Food Tour – Chelsea Market
In mid-July I traveled to New York City for the BlogHer15 conference. The conference schedule is non-stop but I found that I had a few free hours midweek to explore the city. Having lived in NYC for a couple of years, back in the day, I wasn’t interested in merely pounding the pavement and hitting all […]