I have been remembering Cuba as this time last year I was there. I have been reliving that trip in my dreams, day and night and wishing to be free to travel again internationally – SOON! Damn Coronavirus! I wouldn’t recommend travel to Cuba in July as it is muy caliente – very hot! However, […]
European Veggie Soup Puree
European Style Veggie Soup seemed like a tasty edition to my “soft diet”. My body was trying to heal from a bout of diverticulitis yet it was also begging for some vegetables and nutrients. A soft diet is challenging at best when it comes to incorporating nutrients. Seriously one can only eat so many bowls […]
Time To Travel – Seeing The Shore
Summer is upon us and this means – time to travel. I love being at home but I also relish my travels. It’s a balancing act! We are leaving the heat and humidity behind and heading north to the granite state, Maine. Rugged coastlines, lobstah and fried clams await our presence. Haha – I just realized […]