I’ll start by saying, “I did not win any ribbons”. Actually there weren’t any ribbons given out, there was a quick announcement of the winners and everyone went back to stuffing their faces with chili. There were over 60 entries in the cook off and 2 winners were selected by a method not known to me. First place was hot and tasty and second place was likened to Wendy’s…not by me, I didn’t try it.
This one wasn’t about winning to begin with, it was about helping raise money so kids can go to camp. You know, the kids who don’t have the means to go but deserve to go none the less. I’m gratified that I could contribute to this worthy cause. Last but not least, I had fun creating the chili, I love the kudos from my adoring hubby and it made a swell topic to blog about.
Tomorrow I’ll be making my Dad’s gumbo a proven “Blue Ribbon” winner. Stay tuned…
You made me laugh!
A Cajun judge at a chili cook-off? It had to be rigged!