The Orange Bee is back to buzzin’! It has been quite some time since I felt inspired to write for The Orange Bee. I’ve missed blogging and I’ve missed YOU – my audience.
Yes, sometimes life throws a curve ball and staying focused and on track can be challenging. A few years ago my life took a different path when I was thrown a big curve ball. I moved myself to the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii for the last 3 years, where I dedicated a great amount of time to myself. Meditating, journaling, writing gratitude lists, taking long walks on the beach for what I call “ocean therapy”. I also worked with my daughter helping with her bakery orders and managing her guest services/housekeeping business at a large condominium complex. It was quite an amazing and fulfilling experience.
The unfortunate part is I didn’t feel creative enough to continue blogging. The Orange Bee is near and dear to my heart though and I am happy to pick up where I left off and throw a few new topics in the mix. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. I feel stronger, more independent, am aware that I can survive and thrive when life does take a crazy turn. Another discovery I found is that being alone is not lonely but peaceful. At this stage in my life I feel honored to identify these things about myself. Moving on……
To update you about The Orange Bee, I recently moved back to the mainland to my previous home in Greensboro, North Carolina. It is quite different from island life but I’ve always enjoyed living in GSO and the state of North Carolina. I am happy to be back in this friendly, diverse community.
New opportunities are presenting themselves as well as some familiar people, places and things. I am working a few hours a week at the Savory Spice Shop again. I am also collaborating with a friend on enlightening folks about the delightful city of Greensboro. You can read about Luck, yes that’s her name, here . Luck is dedicated to supporting local businesses in GSO and has educated me on the importance of doing the same. Previously we served together at a local non-profit where we worked on strategies to get more of our community involved in this venture. You may recall my posts about Community Table which was a big fund raiser for Triad Local First that I co-chaired. This was my first real dive into our community in Greensboro.
Here is what you can look forward to as a reader of The Orange Bee. I will continue to post about food of course, preparing healthy, tasty food continues to be an important part of my life. Beekeeping also remains at the top of my passions. I am without any hives at this time but am hopeful to maintain a couple of hives in the very near future.
Travel, ahhhhh yes travel, still my favorite activity and as I venture to new or previously visited places I will share my adventures with you. My new undertaking is creating a YouTube channel. I have just begun to play around in the YouTube universe and I have much to learn. My YouTube channel is where I will create and share videos of all the cool places and things Greensboro has to offer. Restaurants, dive bars, distilleries, yoga studios, parks, little libraries, theaters and more.
I’ve created the channel but have not posted any media yet. You can check it out here if you’re curious. I hope that you will subscribe to my YouTube channel and continue to read along here at The Orange Bee blog. I’m excited to be back and look forward to hearing from you. As always I like your feedback, questions and ideas so don’t hesitate to reach out with comments or emails.
Glad you are back. Keep smiling !!!
Thank you – always smiling! Spread the word!
Thank you ! Always smiling!
You go girl! BFF’s forever!
BFF’S all the way!
So glad to have your blog back!
Thank you so much! Glad you are still subscribed!