Today at yoga practice the teacher encouraged us to focus on peace. Sounds rather cliche for a yoga class – wouldn’t you say? In spite of that, the concept was not only to focus on peace within ourselves but how a small, kind gesture to another can help to spread peace one step at a time. I began to think about peace and what it is in my life that brings me peace. Breath……the conscious breathing in yoga is peaceful, petting a soft, furry puppy, taking a stroll through gardens infused with colorful flowers and sweet smells, watching a vibrant sunset, listening to my favorite music, all impart a feeling of peace. Would you agree? Having my health, monetary security ( goes without saying huh?), a loving husband, a sturdy roof over my head, children and family members who also have their health, friends I can laugh and cry with, serving and helping in my community, all give me a peaceful feeling. What brings you peace? How do you stay healthy?
I attend yoga a few times every week, for my physical and emotional well-being. I am a firm believer that exercise and healthful food is beneficial for both the body and mind, especially as we grow older. I live in North Carolina the 17th most overweight state in the nation. When my man Dan and I moved here some of the benefits we detected immediately were the countless green spaces, bike trails, lakes, hiking paths, parks and community gardens to be enjoyed. Together my husband and I hit the trails on our bikes, on foot, and with our dogs in tow on a regular basis. Recently we experienced a new form of hitting the trails when we went on a llama trek, which was a fantastic way to get a little exercise and commune with nature and find some peace. Contrary to popular belief Llamas spit at each other not at people – if that wasn’t true I doubt I would’ve found it a peaceful afternoon!
If you follow my blog you know I love food, I love to eat it, shop for it, cook it, taste it, smell it… get it! Eating healthy however, is what keeps me peaceful about my love of food. I could slip off into that 17%, but I refuse. Oh don’t fret, I love sweets and my wine but I also love having my health. While preparing meals with fresh, local and seasonal foods can be a challenge, it’s one that I embrace. I do my best to buy organic fruits, veggies and milk, purchase meats, eggs and fish that are sustainably raised or caught and try to keep sugar to a minimum. I use honey often for health benefits, like alleviating allergies, healing cuts or scrapes, and aiding in digestion. When I eat these types of food I feel terrific and peaceful with myself. We never visit fast food joints or eat food from a box. All of this in the name of health. Check out these beautiful fresh, grilled oysters topped with a bit of harissa spice, compliments of Hog Island Oyster Bar in Napa. Now that’s what I’m talking’ about!
Before we moved from Texas to N.C. we lived on 5 acres in the country. We were the proud owners of a very large “barn” read- a place to stash a lot of junk! We had a running joke that if anything happened to us at the same time our kids would go there, open those big rolling doors, take a poke around and put a match to it because they wouldn’t have a clue what else to do with all our belongings. When we relocated to N.C. we purged an amazing amount of stuff out of that barn, I’m talking two 30 yard containers full and let me tell you “that feels peaceful!”. See those smiling faces hiding behind the Ray Bans? Not the best photo of my family as the wind was ferocious that day, we forgot the good camera and we were late for an important dinner! We did get one great photo (not this one- see that frowny face of mine?) and that was all we needed to use for our family Christmas picture. If I can spread peace to anyone it would be those kids!
So here’s what else I have to say about thinking healthy, thinking smart, staying active and spreading the peace. When my husband and I engage in conversation and make decisions about important matters, like health care and finances, when we exercise together, enjoy healthy meals together, or volunteer in our community as a team, it strengthens our bond. We laugh together, play together and plan on living long lives together. We still have a lot to see and do – like traveling to places near and far and spending lots of time with those kids of ours. Having peaceful and healthy lives are by far the most important aspects of our plan – I hope it’s yours too! Clue me in – how do you find peace or stay healthy in your life?
Murren, Switzerland – circa 2008
Tortola, BVI – circa 2012